Climater is an italian company that since 1960 offers technical, mechanical, electrical and energy solutions for a wide range of industries.


Ritrovarsi al Verde

20 November 2012

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Green Mood

Green Economy and Spending Review, Climater shows its green projects

Economy and spending review, four days in Piazza Mazzini to take stock of the crisis "as an opportunity to change course and move toward a society with more sustainable lifestyles and from careful economy to the quality of life" .the Municipio XVII present Manifestation "Collision green" which will address the theme of the crisis as an opportunity to change course and move towards a society with a lifestyle more sustainable and towards a 'careful economy to the quality of life. Climater presents its green building projects and recovery of energy improvement. And 'now widespread, in fact, the awareness that the solution to the economic crisis can not disregard the environmental problems of small and large scale and by a change of Our lifestyles, in the conviction that relations and solidarity between people can help to get out of a crisis not only economic but also of values. Without real relationships, with no real ties and feelings can not build a better world. And for these reasons, and to raise awareness of the 'public opinion that "Collision green" want to deal issues related to sustainable solutions to combat the crisis itself, relaunching the economy and the 'employment through new and viable proposals. The Friday 23th will be dedicated to 'Urban Environment, to the empowerment and education of the citizen towards the Common Good. Saturday 24 will address the themes of Labour, of 'Sustainable Economy and Energetic Urban Renewal and Spatial. All 'inside of these days will be given space to more voices in an alternation between work on stage, participatory workshops, video screenings and book presentations. Groups of young professionals will present their work to revitalize the green spaces of the city; Schools will be able to tell their experiences on urban green; professionals and companies active in the field of building and energy upgrading will illustrate how on buildings allow cost savings, greater living comfort and simultaneously help the environment. Debates, presentations, municipal initiatives and school, "urban gardens", sustainable mobility, alternative energy and energy saving, thermal insulation of the apartments, waste disposal ... All this in collaboration with the Association S.A.V.E. Intervenes Antonella De Giusti, President of City Hall.

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Ritrovarsi al Verde Ritrovarsi al Verde Ritrovarsi al Verde Ritrovarsi al Verde
  • Climater since 1960 : design, installation and maintenance of technological systems

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    Climater since 1960 : design, installation and maintenance of technological systems

  • Climater since 1960 : design, installation and maintenance of technological systems

  • Italian Company international experience

  • Energy consulting, sustainability

  • Together toward the future

  • Innovation

Trasporto sostenibile!

Monday 9 May 2022


Con il contributo FSC 2014-2020 E della Regione Lazio per un importo di € 10.000,00, Climater acquisisce un nuovo veicolo ecologico per offrire i suoi servizi in modo sostenibile e in armonia con l'ambiente! Grazie alla Regione Lazio!...

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